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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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OfF Season Training

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now days you need to do total body everyday you train. when in hockey do you do legs one day then chest or upperbody the other?? you dont its total body everyday and the exercises need to represent hockey functions.

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now days you need to do total body everyday you train. when in hockey do you do legs one day then chest or upperbody the other?? you dont its total body everyday and the exercises need to represent hockey functions.

Yeah, except I can let one group of muscles recover while I work the opposing muscles (tris rest while I do biceps, same for abs/back).

How are you going to strengthen your arms using only a shooting motion?

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now days you need to do total body everyday you train. when in hockey do you do legs one day then chest or upperbody the other?? you dont its total body everyday and the exercises need to represent hockey functions.

lol, no

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I'm lazy. Running 3-4 times a week and shooting a couple hundred pucks a few times a week. Drop in once a week as well.

I'm losing fat and getting stronger, but that's because my body hordes muscle. I'll plateau after a few months but that's fine by me.

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I ride the bike to simulate game conditions. Sprint for a minute, slower for 2, sprint for a minute, slower for 2...you get the idea.

I don't get too crazy into weights, but I do push-ups and crunches while watching tv. When a commercial comes on, bang out some crunches, then enjoy the programming, then push-ups at the next commercial. Pretty simple way to combine a workout with being lazy.

I also go to drop-in as much as possible (usually once or twice a week).

I have pretty bad eyesight so I do these eye exercises my optometrist hooked me up with during my "rest" periods on the bike and I have found it has improved my on-ice vision a lot.

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Hockey training is turning into a science, you can't just to biceps triceps and chest, its all about functional strength and power lifts. Total body is the key, you have to, and if you sleep enough and eat properly then your muslces will recover to do it again the next day. I'm not saying 7 days a week but and example, total body - heavy one day, total body-light the next, then a day of just soft tissue work and pilates then repeat, that's six days then a day off. so really you have about 3 easy days a week or just to work on core and muscle tissue. it's quite simple, just common sense.

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Hockey training is turning into a science, you can't just to biceps triceps and chest, its all about functional strength and power lifts. Total body is the key, you have to, and if you sleep enough and eat properly then your muslces will recover to do it again the next day. I'm not saying 7 days a week but and example, total body - heavy one day, total body-light the next, then a day of just soft tissue work and pilates then repeat, that's six days then a day off. so really you have about 3 easy days a week or just to work on core and muscle tissue. it's quite simple, just common sense.

While a program like this may have some benefits, I think you will find that a four day split program will prove far more beneficial and will be what any competent fitness trainer would reccommend. By doing a whole body work out, you will be essentially taking a lot longer to complete each workout. By doing this you are using up far too many kj's to eefectively put on weight and muscle tissue. Furthermore, you will not be training certain muscle groups enough. To get the most beneficial body improvements you will have to train a muscle group 2-3-4 times a workout. If you do that for every muschle group in your body, you wont have the energy to do so, and in the end wont be effectively training certain muscle groups.

4 days a week of intense training is more than enough, especially for beginners. With a proper diet, those 3 off-days of the week are essential for recovery. Work out twice as hard in shorter terms, then allow for recvoery and you are bound to see improvements very quickly.

As I said your training program may have its benefits, but I think people should look to a split program more than the whole body workout you suggest.

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This Is My Workout

Day 1- Chest/Triceps/Stick Handling/Shooting/Speed/Agility Ladder/Plyometrics/Core

Day 2- Legs/Shoulders/Trapezius/Stick Handling/Shooting/Agility Ladder/Endurance/RollerBlading

Day 3- Agility Ladder/Endurance/Stick Handling/Shooting/Core/RollerBlading

Day 4- Back/Biceps/Speed/Agility Ladder/Stick Handling/Shooting/Plyometrics

Day 5- Chest/Triceps/Stick Handling/Shooting/Speed/Agility Ladder/Core/RollerBlading

Day 6- Legs/Shoulders/Trapezius/Stick Handling/Shooting/Agility Ladder/Endurance/Core/RollerBlading

Day 7- Back/Biceps/Endurance/Agility Ladder/Stick Handling/Shooting/Plyometrics/RollerBlading

Core is everything off Nike Bauer Site.

I shoot 250 pucks a day. Stick Handle for 30 minutes a day.

Speed is just sprints backwards and forwards. Endurance is stops and starts except using Plylons for blue lines.

Telling by the way I feel I am not overtraining.

Over training is used way to often. You overtrain when your body tells you.

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I don't even think I could do that day in, day out. You should also have an off day once a week.

But, as long as you keep a high intake of protein (and carbs), you should be fine, with plenty of sleep.

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Kind of altered my routine a bit this last month...

Monday-Squats, Lunges (weighted), Bench, Flies, 2 ab exercises

Tuesday-2 hours of hockey camp

Wed-same as monday

thurs-same as tuesday


sat-sprints, 1 and a half hour hockey

sun-same as sat

I work full time during the week, so all my exercise/workouts are in the evening.

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