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Charles Manson 2007 Parole Hearing

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I'm talking about child molesters, rapists, and the scum of the earth. And it's not more of a burden tax wise to put someone to death. It's more of a burden to keep him alive for years in the prison

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  team50 said:

I hear you. Its complex. How though does executing someone offer a victim's family restitution?

Sometimes executing people it too humane. I can tell you that Paul Bernardo is being punished more than could imagine. That's a good use of my tax money.

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I am just using the arguements that were given to me. If it were me i would rather be put to death.

And yes unless the legal system has changed that much since 2000. Beleive it or not it cost more to put some one to death. Due to the vast amount of red tape and appeals, not to mention the time they will sit awaiting their final appeal. Which can last longer than 20+ years.

I believe the restitution arguement goes something like an eye for an eye. Im not an expert on it. I just spent some time doing research in school. That panned out to be completely useless until this conversation.

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My understanding of restitution is where someone gets compensated for actual loss. An eye for an eye is more vigilante sort of stuff or "getting even."

it's an interesting topic and opinions can be very much politically divided.

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i agree this topic could get nasty. That is why i stand on neither side of the fence. The more research i did the less of an opinion i had. I found that very odd. As well as my professional ethics clearly state the importance of rights and intrinsic values.

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Neutral is good. Treating people on an individual case by case basis since most and their circumstances are unique is probably the way to go.

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  Fredrik said:

Why do this? I'm sure he'll never get out of prison anyhow. The question is if he's not to sick to serve time in a prison. Shouldn't he be locked up in a mental hospital for the rest of his life?

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  Lord ZipLock said:

He stands no chance of being paroled...

thus this hearing is a waste.

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I'm not a legal expert but he was obviously sentenced to "life in prison" and not "life in prison without the possibility of parole". Therefore he is entitled to parole hearings after a set amount of time. If that is breached, i'm sure some d-bag lawyer would take action and say since his right to apply for parole wasn't granted, that it is in violation of some law and he would need to be compensated.


It's California- never say never....

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Here in california, we only grant amnesty to those who are celebrities before they are charged with a crime :P

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I personally think the capital punishment should be legal but only for specific crimes. Killing a cop, or mass murder or killing someone in prison when already given life without parole. In those cases it would be a deterent for some people. A crime of passion should just be 25 to life.

However, capital punishment is accually a bit more expensive than housing an inmate for 50 years. It's true. Because in a capital case the ruling is automaticly appealed twice. Tax payers are paying for the appeal and the lawyer. Then we house them for about 7-10 years while on death row then the cost of killing them humainly. It all adds up.

It's funny this is brought up, because just a few days california supreme court just made a new ruling on the death penalty and maybe reinstating it in certain situations. Something about raping kids 5 or under. I'm not really sure exactly so I don't want to say something not true but I was told about this by a friend who is in his first year of law school.

I know here in NY, we have the death penalty on the books but we havn't used in a very long time.

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