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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blister Problems

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I've had my skates for about 2 months now. I've worn them about 30 times. I cannot seem to shake the blisters they are giving me. The length of the skate apears good, and like always I'm in EE. My past few ice skates have been 609, Black Fly's, 1052, and Easton Airs all the widest they make. I have suffered some break in issues with skates, but have no thad blisters in the past 7 or 8 years. These skates should be broken in. They have been bakes and I've have switched from no socks to socks. It had appeared to help until todays game. We played with 5 players so I was on most of the game. I felt a pain, but figured it was the blister re-opening, but this was much bigger than I had experienced before. I will attatch the picture if you would like to take a look (yet is it ugly). I'd appreciate any advice/ hints. I'm wearing average thickness socks and am looking into thicker socks. The length seems to be good for me and I cannot believe that these would be too wide. The front part of my foot is also experiencing alot of pain because of the tightness on the width. I'm also open to some quick fixes as I have a game tonight and two tommorow. Right now I'm depending on some Mole skin for the rest of the tourney.


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i would try to get them stretched if the width is bothering you a little....for the back (nice pic BTW :) ) i would just wear extra socks and cover it with a cloth and then wrap it in gauze tape.....that should help

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Blisters are always a bitch, try mole skin. It stops most of the friction, or i have also heard duct tape.

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i always wear neopreme surf socks for the first couple skates in brand new skates. They're like 1mm thick, so my feet dont overheat and they protect against blisters. I think they cost like $8

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When i got my Hi-hos i had the same problem,(i got a blister in the exact same spot) but only for about three games and then they broke in. The problem with me was that my ankle sat to deep in the boot, so it wasnt on the padding. I fixed it though by putting cotton balls at the bottom of the boot where your ankle goes. I havent had the problem since.

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i've been using my hi-ho's for about 10 games now.. and i've had no problems at all... its weird... i've never had any problems with any skates at all... people always warn me about blister problems and rollerblades... but none... even ice skates... the only skates that ever gave me a little cut were the ccm ones, but that was back in the day... probably 10 years ago :o

but i do wear like 1 pair of thick socks and under armor pants to cover up most of my lower leg..

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Now that the tournament is over so is my season and I am not looking forward to next seasons skate with these. It's a shame because they have really performed well despite the pain problems they are causing. If anyone can think of some things to try I'll definately give it a shot, hopefully I'll be able to find a full time solution by next season as I would love to get a pair of V-12's for ice if I could only get them to fit. I'd love to trade these, but don't think I would be able to get a fair deal for my 7EE Hi-Ho's, I'm pretty tough on my skates and there apperance isn't as nice as there actual condition

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i had bauer vapour 6's and had a blister exactly the same place only on the left foot.wearing bigger socks dosnt help because its still pressure on through only one layer if ya get my meaning.i used always wear elastic matieral over my socks and they worked perfect for me.they are real cheap, washable and last for ages!they can be cut down to suit your own size as well.

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After a fair bit of thought, talk with the pops and an attempt on trades I have decided to go with an odd solution. My dad says when I was little all the skates were too big, so what he bought the smallest they had and we took them to a shoe maker and he made insert to reduce the gap and make them fit. I am hoping he is able to work a little magic and make the heel slimmer. I'll give an update of the fit after and the performance however that'll be a little while down the road as the seasons over and won't start till next summer.

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