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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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R6 or Adrenaline for the Same price...

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Im stuck here and would like some advice. I have the opportunity to get a TPS R6 stick for the Same price as last years Adrenaline Control. Would you go for the Adrenaline or the R6? I have used the Adrenaline control and thought it was a great stick, but havent used the R6. What do you guys think?

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The adrenaline control was TPS' top stick last year, and the R6 isn't TPS' top stick this year, so i would stick with the best, the year should really have an impact on what stick you should buy... furthermore, if it does end up breaking during the warranty period, you might get yourself an R8.

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I never used the R6 but i used the R+, XN10, Adrenaline and i have found them to be all but the same in most departments, except for the fact that the XN10 was super light. So my guess is it hasn't changed.

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