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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 9K SE

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Two questions:

The Reebok 9K fit - I cannot find an LHS with a 9 or 9.5 EE. Any comparison to another skate I might find at an LHS or knowledge of where most of the width is? I need width at the arch and in the toe.

Reebok 9K SE Glove - Has anyone seen these? If so what do they look like?

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No those are the regular 9K's, thank you for trying to help though.

The gloves i'm talking about are 9K SE, they're in a catalog i'm ordering from (Reebok) but there is no pic.

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No those are the regular 9K's, thank you for trying to help though.

The gloves i'm talking about are 9K SE, they're in a catalog i'm ordering from (Reebok) but there is no pic.

Are you looking for the 9KN (nylon). I don't think there is a US (KSE yet.

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No, I have a friend that works for Reebok. There is a catalog that list the 9K SE Glove that i'm able to order from. I've seen the 9K SE skate but not the glove.

Thanks for trying to help though. Mods should lock this.

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