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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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chassis dosent fit on skates?

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this is weird....i just got a new chassis and it dosent fit the boot (it has a different pitch) the guy said there would have to be about 1/4" lift for it to work out....would this dramatically affect my skating and would it kill the boot? they are offering me mission generator team pros for my old vibe frames so i dunno wut to do. i want the sensor on them tho........i know this is in the ice section, i put it because it has to do with pitch,lift, and holders.....

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fine, ill go get them and send them to you.....im sure youll know wut to do (not sarchastictly)

Also, is a 1/4 of an inch a lot of lift? would it put me more on the balls of my feet?

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they are offering me mission generator team pros for my old vibe frames so i dunno wut to do.

just curious how much whoever was offering those generator team pro frames for. i've been looking for those or labeda da'bomb frames for a friend.

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Also, is a 1/4 of an inch a lot of lift? would it put me more on the balls of my feet?

Shit, I have 2 mm (about 1/12"!) lifts on my 705s with t'blades and it makes a big difference. I do not think you'll even be able to skate on a lift that is 3 times that high.

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they are offering me mission generator team pros for my old vibe frames so i dunno wut to do.

just curious how much whoever was offering those generator team pro frames for. i've been looking for those or labeda da'bomb frames for a friend.

43%, if u need them and i end up not using them, i can get them for you....... they are a size medium... LMK if your still interested

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