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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help with tremendous foot pain

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ALright everyone, i have this problem with my foot. I went to the DR and he said its just a bump on my bone, nothing to be worried about ( its been there as long as i can remember) but lately, it seems ive been having bad luck with it. Getting hit with pucks, blisters, etc etc. so i was hoping maybe someone had trouble with THEIR ankles or maybe something similar and have some sort of remedy or suggestion. thanks!

oh, and here is a pic of my ugly-ass foot.


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Skating on Wicked 1`s by chance???

I've developed the same exact thing on my foot... Same place... looks like a second ankle lol... I have'nt gone to the Dr's yet though... Skate took some time to break in, then that one area kept giving me problems... Baked the boots again, tried getting the problem area punched out.. no luck..

Temporary fix: Dr Scholls "mole skin" or corn cushions(But mole skin works better as you can cut it to any shape, as oppsed to the 'doughnut' shape of the cushions)

Keeps the pain bearable for a game, but 2 games in a row would KILL...

That's really the best i came up with for a temp fix...

Longterm fix: Ripping the chassis off of them here pretty soon and pairing them up with an s400 boot...

till then, bloody socks and a lil limp after games... unless I take a shot to the area.. then I drop like I'M shot!! wow talk about pain...

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I have that same stupid bump, hit molded CCM Vectors are fine for me.

Wicked line would be too stiff, I'm thinking a composite skate like Kor or Easton would be the same thing.

My advice is too put the skates on and tie them very loosely while you put on the rest of your gear, do warm-ups with them fairly loose, and then tie them properly just before the game starts.

That why you let your bodyheat warmup the skate, so it fits more comfortably (IMO) instead of trying them hard from the get-go (in a cold boot).

Works for me anyways.

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I cant tell from the picture. Get me a better picture. If that is what i think it is your doctor is way off. not that im pro but it looks like the same thing I have. Is it on the inside of your foot under your ankel? If it is it has to do with the bone structure of your foot. I went to a specialist for it. Take a picture looking at your foot from above showing both sides. If it is below the ankle it is a gentic thing. The bone structure of your foot is off. If you go to a specialist they usually have a diagram of the skeletal structure on the wall. If you look at them it will show exactly what I mean. Four solutions for this problem. 1)A very painful surgery with a long recovery. 2) take your skates to a pro shop an have them remove some padding. 3) get custom skates made for your feet. 4) I had to shop around to find skates that didnt hurt, It takes forever for me to break in skates because of this problem. I cant wear mission they really kill my feet. tacks work the best for me.

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dude, thats a ganglionic cyst!!!

My friend had the wicked 1 skates and got the exact same thing except his was right on his ankle. It looked like he had a golf ball where his ankle was!! He went to the doctor and everything. After that he got Code 1's and it slowly went away. He still has the wicked 1's but never uses them. Thats crazy! how could the wicked 1's do that?? or the wicked 3's in ur case, but there not much different.

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dude, thats a ganglionic cyst!!!

My friend had the wicked 1 skates and got the exact same thing except his was right on his ankle. It looked like he had a golf ball where his ankle was!! He went to the doctor and everything. After that he got Code 1's and it slowly went away. He still has the wicked 1's but never uses them. Thats crazy! how could the wicked 1's do that?? or the wicked 3's in ur case, but there not much different.

ya they really dropped the ball on the wicked design... :(

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i got the same thing on both of my ankles. the foot doc i went to said that its natural body fighters that built up to protect that part of the ankle. he said that i should grab a new pair of skates and ditch the old skates. i had Wicked 3's and now i am skating on the 6K Pump skates and i have no problems. Its VERY slowly going away but its still big. it was like a golf ball on my ankle at one point but now its a little bigger than a marble. the doc said that i may need surgery later on in life but if its not hurting then its no problem.

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guys, youre misunderstanding me here. it has been there a long long time before i ever got wicked3s. any skate is uncomfortable for me. i was asking about certain types of padding to alleviate the pain and discomfort. the padded sock things were good, anyone got anything else?

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If you had it before the wicked's then it's a sesamoid bone (extra bone), I happen to have that aswell.

Must stuff on our body is there for a scientific reason... execpt that G-spot men have and sesamoid bones.

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thats the word he used when he said what it was. i couldnt remember :D

but yeah, it only hurts when i get hit there, or when i play hockey a lot and my skates rub on it.

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It looks like the inside of your foot where the "navicular" bone is. Some people have an accessory bone in that area as I do called Os Navicularis. If i had a camera I'd take a pic of my foot it looks the same. I skate on my d-limited and i always have so much pain think i need a wider skate. What i've done to try and help is cut a foam piece of pad from the shoulder pads of a suit jacket and wear it in my sock. Doesnt take all the pain away but help to make it tolerable hope this helps.

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Interesting, I was wondering about this because my one90's are giving me the same problem. I guess I should try having them punched. I played last night with a corn pad and 2 pairs of socks, and I could almost stand the whole game. The night before I had 2 games in a row, but could not finish the second one...

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well, i went away from the pad for a while ( about.. games or so) and my foot was hurtin so bad after every game. that bump was super sore, got s blister on it, couldnt put shoes on without a lot of pain.

more or less the point of this thread was suggestions if anyone had better ways to put padding on it as opposed to taping a piece of rubbery foam to it before every game.

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Maybe a shoe repair or luggage repair shop could sew in a piece of foam or padding that will hold up for a bit??? or sew it into a few pairs of socks, and just use those when you lace up???

good luck...

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