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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A Cap Minimum?

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So everyone knows about going over the cap, but you can be UNDER the cap?

From Spector's Site:


THE TENNESSEAN: John Glennon reports the Nashville Predators are still more than $2 million short of the NHL's minimum salary cap of $34.3 million for the 2007-08 season. Forward Vernon Fiddler remains unsigned and is scheduled for arbitration but even after he's under contract they'll still be short of that mark. GM David Poile observes some of the deficit will be made up by player bonuses, which count against the cap to start the season, but Glennon reports it's likely the Predators could make a trade or sign another player before the start of the regular season on October 4th.

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