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How would you react to a homosexual on your team?

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This includes the showers, naturally.

How would you take it?

This was an interesting debate that came up in a soccer forum I also go to.

Except, soccer is not as "showy" in the locker rooms as hockey.

So, guys (and gals), how would you react?

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I honestly think it wouldn't bother me much. I don't have a problem with homosexuals unless they get...a little too gay with me(this has happened before haha) My team would be far different though, because anyone who plays travel hockey knows there are some gay references in the locker room on a daily basis. I can't lie and say I wouldn't think about it.

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Well, since my whole team acts like they're gay anyway, it wouldn't be any different. And since I'm the only girl, it wouldn't really effect me. I don't think it's a big deal.

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No problem unless they make it a problem, same deal with strait people and the opposite sex on the same team.

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We all know that everyone ACTS gay in the lockeroom. But I have a feeling someone being gay would change the atmosphere quite a bit.

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We all know that everyone ACTS gay in the lockeroom. But I have a feeling someone being gay would change the atmosphere quite a bit.

I think this is true.

There was an "out" guy in one of my high school P.E. classes. I would shower as normal, and so would some of the other guys. However, some guys that would shower nude in different classes suddenly started wearing swimsuits or not showering at all.

I don't personally have an issue with it, but I know some people would.

Oh, and for the ladies, pretend there is a lesbian on your team.

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Beat him down, obviously.

Lol, I don't know how I'd react. In thought, it really doesn't bother me whatsoever. I don't care as long as he doesn't do anything to make me feel uncomfortable.

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Somehow I just imagine that this topic is too mature for the people on here. Other mods feel free to open it back up if you disagree..

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