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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Nash vs Easton Sakic

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To anybody who has used both, would the general opinion be that the Nash blade is less rockered than the Sakic ? ie; more blade on the ice with the Nash ?

Thanks in advance.

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I use a Warrior Draper curve and since it is essentially the same or atleast very close to the easton sakic i thought this post belonged here. If the difference between the sakic and and the nash is the rocker, out of all the TPS curves what is the closest to being exactly the same as a sakic/draper curve? I want to try a tps stick but just want to find the right curve.

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ive used all three curves mentioned in the topic and id have to say they are all pretty much the same.. jonow3 if your looking for a tps curve that is close to the sakic/draper go with the nash

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Awesome thanks for that mate. Thats good news too because i think the Nash has the coolest colours out of the TPS range, not that it really matters but its a nice bonus. It's kind of strange how they colour coded their sticks based on the curve pattern.

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