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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Gloves

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hey guys i am going to get some new gloves for next season as my eagles that i have had sincee the start of the year well there is hardly a palm left so i want to go for a different brand that has a ncie palm that will last. any suggestions??? i may think about eagles again maybe some pro stocks will the pro stocks be very loose fitting?

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If you want a lasting palm material and want Eagles again, go with a pair that has goatskin palms.

If pro stocks fit loose depends on the pro they were made for. Pros can get what they want so you will encounter wide and loose fits.

As for other brands: Others offer goatskin, too. Also, the Response Plus gloves by TPS have a nice palm material called Digi-Tech. It gives additional grip on the stick and so far it holds up very well for me.

Last note: You might as well get your current Eagles repalmed with goatskin palms.

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i heard Musoka's are just like eagles, but a little cheaper.

If you decide to get your eagles repalmed, go with what shark said.

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Nic, if you like your gloves, just get them repalmed with a different kind of palm that will last longer. It will be cheaper then buying a good pair of gloves, and you are guaranteed to have a glove you know you like. Seriously, just repalm the gloves.

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Have them repalmed with goat, they should last a lot longer than the original palms.

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Muskokas are much tighter fitting than Eagles. I dont like muskokas at all, I love eagles. Get mustang palms, they will last you longer than the nash palms on the x70s

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Sande Max980 fit kind of like Eagle X70, but with better flexibility (split fingers and TriggerFinger) and I'd recommend them to anyone. You might wanna check them out.

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