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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How do I get lettering glue off of a jersey?

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I want to sell my current jersey to a teammate, but I need to take off the "A". I assume some glue residue will be left behind. Does anyone know how to clean that off?

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i was trying to take my number off and it was a bitch. the LHS told me don't heat it up cause it'll just stick more. i stuck it in the freezer and used goo gone. it took some work but it eventually came off. but there was still some residue left. it wasn't perfect.

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Another option for you might be to get another piece of jersey mareial and have it sewn over the place where the letter was or even get a patch silk screened over it. Just an option that may help solve your problem

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yea i realized that it would just stick more if you melt it after rereading my post, i think that stuff called goo gone should do the trick

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There is a chemical, Methylene Chloride Solvent, made just for this purpose. Stahl's sells it and I'm sure that most places that specialize in lettering/numbering will have it or at least know where you can get some. You just dip a rag in the stuff and apply it to the back of the letter from inside the jersey. It works well with the tackle twill type letters. It's a LOT tougher to get the cheaper vinyl letters off but it is still possible. Just make sure that you use it in a well ventilated area. It's pretty strong stuff.

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There is a chemical, Methylene Chloride Solvent, made just for this purpose. Stahl's sells it and I'm sure that most places that specialize in lettering/numbering will have it or at least know where you can get some. You just dip a rag in the stuff and apply it to the back of the letter from inside the jersey. It works well with the tackle twill type letters. It's a LOT tougher to get the cheaper vinyl letters off but it is still possible. Just make sure that you use it in a well ventilated area. It's pretty strong stuff.

if you decide to use the organic coumpound as stated by lb33knight, be 100% sure that you use it with a mask and in a well ventilated area, organic compounds are notorious for the extremely strong smell they give off (IMO alot worse than that of gasoline)

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