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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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As I posted in another thread, I was really unhappy with the fit on a SD Gel Max that I recently purchased. I finally got off my ass earlier, and sent them over a quick email detailing the problems that I had. Only 15 minutes later, I got an email from them apologizing for the problem. Even further, they are sending me out another replacement MaxGel to try, and also a Pro as a backup.

Their products may be over priced (except the pro, which fits me great as it is), but I am extremely happy for the support that they gave me in return. I feel it is only fair to post it up here that they resolved it all.

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As I posted in another thread, I was really unhappy with the fit on a SD Gel Max that I recently purchased. I finally got off my ass earlier, and sent them over a quick email detailing the problems that I had. Only 15 minutes later, I got an email from them apologizing for the problem. Even further, they are sending me out another replacement MaxGel to try, and also a Pro as a backup.

Their products may be over priced (except the pro, which fits me great as it is), but I am extremely happy for the support that they gave me in return. I feel it is only fair to post it up here that they resolved it all.

My store has also had some durablity issues with the Power Dry bag and they have been excellent helping helping out the customers. Above and beyond what I would expect.

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I agree on the wicked customer service. I emailed them not too long ago for some info and they got back to me really fast.

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As I posted in another thread, I was really unhappy with the fit on a SD Gel Max that I recently purchased. I finally got off my ass earlier, and sent them over a quick email detailing the problems that I had. Only 15 minutes later, I got an email from them apologizing for the problem. Even further, they are sending me out another replacement MaxGel to try, and also a Pro as a backup.

Their products may be over priced (except the pro, which fits me great as it is), but I am extremely happy for the support that they gave me in return. I feel it is only fair to post it up here that they resolved it all.

My store has also had some durablity issues with the Power Dry bag and they have been excellent helping helping out the customers. Above and beyond what I would expect.

I know a few people who took advantage of them on the bags. Once the kids in the shop figured out the fact that you didn't have to send anything back, they must have milked 5 or 6 free replacements out of SD. Then they turned around and sold the bags for a discount.

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As I posted in another thread, I was really unhappy with the fit on a SD Gel Max that I recently purchased. I finally got off my ass earlier, and sent them over a quick email detailing the problems that I had. Only 15 minutes later, I got an email from them apologizing for the problem. Even further, they are sending me out another replacement MaxGel to try, and also a Pro as a backup.

Their products may be over priced (except the pro, which fits me great as it is), but I am extremely happy for the support that they gave me in return. I feel it is only fair to post it up here that they resolved it all.

My store has also had some durablity issues with the Power Dry bag and they have been excellent helping helping out the customers. Above and beyond what I would expect.

I know a few people who took advantage of them on the bags. Once the kids in the shop figured out the fact that you didn't have to send anything back, they must have milked 5 or 6 free replacements out of SD. Then they turned around and sold the bags for a discount.

I am quite aware of that problem too but it just isn't cost effective to have to keep shipping the bags back to them. The sales rep needs to at least request a picture of the damaged bag. If it was me, instead of shipping the whole bag back, I would ask that the retailer cut the top flap off of every bag and ship that instead as some kind of proof. That would keep them from taking advantage of you.

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The first couple of replacements they did without question, I think now they require something. SD is very good however, even stuff way out of warranty they simply replace. They ship replacent directly to customers, the store is out of the loop.

I find that most of the manufacturers are really good with customer service considering the number of scams they have to put up with.

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thats pretty wild if they were replacing bags without receipts or pictures or some sort of proof. I can see doing it with a mouthguard, the cost on those are generally low (shipping probably costs way more than the manufacturing).. but thats still shitty to take advantage of someones good nature.

who knows, maybe they are making so much money, they just dont care and would rather keep their name up? Ive seen it happen before.

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