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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What different in size 6 JOFA versus size 5 JOFA elbow pad? length forearm? bigger in diameter of bicep? or forearm wrap?

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Found some old JOFA elbow pads 9077's, but unfortunately out-of-state so can't try them on. I take a size5, but they have size6 and size7.

What difference will i find in a size 6 JOFA versus size 5 JOFA elbow pad? how much longer is the forearm? any bigger in diameter of the bicep? or forearm wrap?


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A little of both. They'll be a bit longer and wider to fit an over all bigger person.

The 9077 are a bit longer in general due to the design with the built in wrist protection.

Want to sell them? I wear a size 6. PM me if you do.

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