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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are some good ways to strengthin your wrists. I am looking for a way that is more creative than expensive. I have access to freeweights and all that they implie(home gym) but other than that i dont wanna be buying anything.

So lets here what you guys do to jack up those wrists.

P.S.- Shooting pucks, or any on ice exercise is NOT fairgame, im looking for something to do at home.

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What are some good ways to strengthin your wrists. I am looking for a way that is more creative than expensive. I have access to freeweights and all that they implie(home gym) but other than that i dont wanna be buying anything.

So lets here what you guys do to jack up those wrists.

P.S.- Shooting pucks, or any on ice exercise is NOT fairgame, im looking for something to do at home.

Masturbation is free.

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What are some good ways to strengthin your wrists. I am looking for a way that is more creative than expensive. I have access to freeweights and all that they implie(home gym) but other than that i dont wanna be buying anything.

So lets here what you guys do to jack up those wrists.

P.S.- Shooting pucks, or any on ice exercise is NOT fairgame, im looking for something to do at home.

Masturbation is free.

:lol: Tie a weight to a broken shaft and do wrist rolls.

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Sit on the edge of your bed or sit on a chair with your arm resting on your thigh and hand/wrist hanging off to do wrist curls. Let the weight roll down to your fingers and when you follow upwards flex your wrist up so you go to the fullest range of motion. Go back and forth until fatgue sets in.

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What are some good ways to strengthin your wrists. I am looking for a way that is more creative than expensive. I have access to freeweights and all that they implie(home gym) but other than that i dont wanna be buying anything.

So lets here what you guys do to jack up those wrists.

P.S.- Shooting pucks, or any on ice exercise is NOT fairgame, im looking for something to do at home.

Masturbation is free.

lol x2 :lol:

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