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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest mikemarshhhhhh

best nhl players..crosby sucks

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Guest mikemarshhhhhh

Joe Thornton &

Ilya Kovalchuk

hate crosby

cough cough overrated, cry baby, can't accept the fact that just cuse people worship him (ugh) doesn't mean hes the best skater on the ice


this video shows that Crosby is a cry baby looking like a poor sport, and that Kovalchuk doesn't worship him and treat him like he is god... like every disgusting Sidney Crosby fan does

haha that vid neverrrr gets old

i love it!

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For real! Screw that Crosby guy! He can take his Art Ross and Hart trophy and shove them both up his rear end! What a bum!

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Don't worry the jackass is now on mod-approved posting. I don't think we'll be seeing too many more of his posts.

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