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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Starter skates

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I'm a big hockey fan, and RH player but i wanna get into Ice. First things first i need to get some skates and start skating at the local rink.

my ? is what are the best Cheap skates for a beginner skater like me.

the have to be atleast under $100 USD

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My first hockey skate was a CCM 652. Price was right, and they have a good reputation as being one of the best values on the market. But as I just mentioned to another guy, the golden rule about buying skates is to go with what fits best, period.

Some general rules of thumb that may help you out:

CCM's and Easton tend to fit wider.

Bauers and Mission fit more narrow.

Graf and Nike are all over the road as different models have different fits.

Good luck,


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The best skate for under $100 is going to be a discontinued model. What's your shoe size?

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err, I am not the skate expert on this board, but the new Missions (PureFly/S500 etc) fit wide compared to industry standard. Older Missions fitted narrow, though.

On the other hand, I've always found Eastons to fit narrow.

My recommendation for you, Flyerguy: Instead of buying some new cheap skates, watch out on ebay for a pair of high-quality used skates that are still in good shape.

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Hockey Giant and Hockey Monkey both have skates that should fit your foot and price range.

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If you are currently wearing Mission's, you may want to try and find a pair of 2002 skates...These will fit closest to your foot...

I recommend going with a S200 from this years line...They are 149, which is a bit more than you wanted to spend...However, they are a great skate and will fit almost identicallly to your Rollers....

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