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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ultra glide

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Guest 2048

Wow, what a horrible name and package for a product like that.

"what the fuck is that in your bag?"


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Haven't used it. I'll order a bottle when I order some more Miraclestones and see how it works...

Had you heard of it before? Do you know of any pros that use it?

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The shop where I bought my Grafs from sell something very similar to Ulta Glide called Fast Trak (or something like that). The shop recommended applying some right after sharpening and once after you finish skating (after drying the blades). They even applied some on my skates to try when I first bought them. I'm not strong/fast enough of a skater that I noticed any difference with or without. Body weight might have something to do with it as I'm maybe 145 lbs. soaking wet and probably don't create as much friction as someone heavier and stronger.

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Haven't used it.  I'll order a bottle when I order some more Miraclestones and see how it works...

Had you heard of it before? Do you know of any pros that use it?

I had.

I don't know.

I know Pete Rogers (eq mgr, Nashville) uses the Miraclestone. That's where I picked that up from. As far as the rest of the stuff, no idea.

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We used to use ultra glide at the shop I was in. I never saw an improvement from using it.

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We used to use ultra glide at the shop I was in. I never saw an improvement from using it.

Yup, one of the rinks I play at uses it after they sharpen skates. No differnece that I can tell.

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