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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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inno maniac

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I don't even remember where I read/heard this but apparently Inno used to make the XXX for Bauer, but then Warrior bought Inno and Bauer started making their own sticks. Can someone like JR or someone with knowledge comment if that is even close to being true? If that is true, is this basically the XXX?

How do you pick flex on hockey monkey, I only see the pattern as an option.

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I don't even remember where I read/heard this but apparently Inno used to make the XXX for Bauer, but then Warrior bought Inno and Bauer started making their own sticks. Can someone like JR or someone with knowledge comment if that is even close to being true? If that is true, is this basically the XXX?

How do you pick flex on hockey monkey, I only see the pattern as an option.

XXX was essentially a true1, Warrior ended the Inno contract with Bauer when they took over and the XXXlite was a clone of the XXX made in Asia. I recall a lot of complaints about the early XXXlites, surprised to hear that they are so prized now. Breakage was pretty high, at least according to the reports I saw here.

None of that means anything with these sticks.

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