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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speed Demon

Taking a risk on eBay

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Okay so lets say that there is this hockey stick you want to buy off eBay and it doesn't have shipping insurance and no picture, all it has is text that briefly describes the item. Also, the person holding the auction doesn't answer emails, and he has a 100% feed back but only 5 positives.. 2 of them have taken place in the last 6 months and the other 3 in the last 12 months... 4 of the 5 postive feed backs are from sellers too, however, the one positive feed back from a buyer is about a hockey stick.

In the end, what I am asking is is if this is too much of a risk to buy it? Thanks.

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Personally, if it's a used stick and / or a pattern I've never seen, I won't buy without pictures. If it's something where I know exactly what it is and it's quoted as "new", maybe I'd take the chance. But neglecting to respond to emails is not good practice for a seller in my book. When does the aution end?

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I would avoid it since there will probably be other auctions in the future for the same stick and those will probably be from more responsible sellers and have better information.

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My local hockey store doesn't carry any of the really really good stuff.. just some of it.. He carries only Bauer and Nike. The next closest shop would be in Fredericton, however, they get pleanty of business.. I just spent $165.00 or so on the weekend for weights..

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