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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Size/Width Differences

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Hey guys, first up, this place has an amazing amount of info on it. Congrats.

But one thing I need help on (I did a quick search but couldn't find much.)

I started playing about a year ago and started off with a pair of CCM Vector 3.0 skates, which were a size 8 D.

Now I have become a better skater and cannot see me giving up anytime soon as playing just feels too darn good, I decided to invest in a new pair of skates.

So I went into my LHS and asked the guy to size me up for a pair of NBH Vapour XXXX's, but as they have to bring them in on order I could not try them on. He told me I would need a size 8.5 EE.

Now what worries me, is there a great difference in the size/width of the skates between manufacturers, because i dont reckon my feet have changed much, they are still around a size 9.(All UK sizes)

Should I be okay with the difference due to changes in the actual skate?

Cheers guys. :D

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Yes there can be that much varyance in a hockey skate. Don't forget, that as opposed to street shoes, hockey skates are rigid on the sides and can exert an immense amount of pressure on the sides of the foot if sized improperly. The Vapor line is cut a touch narrower than the CCM's. My best advice....the guy at the LHS is paid to do what he does, and I would have some confidence in him. Let him direct you towards a skate and size....he should know better than most of us. Good luck!!

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Not to hi-jack the thread, but along the same lines can anyone tell me how much difference there is between a C and D width in the One90.

I had a pair of C width One90's that was just a little tight. Just wondering if a D width might be the ticket. I did like the One 90 otherwise.

Now back to your regular programming!

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Not to hi-jack the thread, but along the same lines can anyone tell me how much difference there is between a C and D width in the One90.

I had a pair of C width One90's that was just a little tight. Just wondering if a D width might be the ticket. I did like the One 90 otherwise.

Now back to your regular programming!

C to a D width is about 3/16" to 1/4" difference.

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