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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The worst week in hockey

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So, next week, I'm thinking that by the end I'll never want to play hockey again. I have hockey camp all next week, four hours of on/off-ice each day, and a tournament that weekend, which is four games over two days. On top of all that, I am going on vacation, so I'm spending a lot of time driving from the beach (Ocean City, NJ), to my rink, and back. Does anyone have any opinions on how to deal with this the best way, and what to do to keep me sane over the week, besides eating healthy, and keeping myself hydrated? Thanks a lot.

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That sounds like a fun week in hockey dude.

Hockey and beach all week, WOW.

but ya, just keep your self hydrated and try get a good nights sleep each night.

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Try not to schedule 2 things that require most of your physical attention for the same week? Realistically, I'd pick the one that's more important to you - skating at camp all day and then getting in the car for +/- 1 hour, sitting on the beach the rest of the day, and then getting up and driving the same distance back to the rink the next day to do it all over again is not going to let you do either of the following:

a.) perform the way you need to at camp to get the most out of it, not to mention the several hundred you paid for it

b.) enjoy vacation because by day 2 you'll be dead and want to go to rest instead of being outside or doing anything active. This doesn't even include if you had any intention of boozing with any friends while you're there, which will make everything much harder.

In addition, if you make it through the week, you'll be garbage at your tournament. I'd say pick one that you most want to invest time in, whether it be vacation or getting ready for the season and give it your full attention. Since you can drive and are going to camp, you only have a few years of competitive hockey left, so I'd go with hockey and go to the beach another time.

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That's the thing. Our camp is mandatory. This is coming from a coach who made me skip a game I had for a chalk talk session. He wants us there. If I had the choice of doing either/or, I definitely would have chosen going to the beach. So far, my plan is this. I go to my refereeing seminar thing tomorrow, then go to the beach till Monday afternoon, come back for camp and stay back at my house for the night, go to camp the next day and drive back down to the shore afterwards and stay there until Friday when the last day of camp is. Then, go do the tournament.

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I actually had the 'worst' week, i was on the ice after the summerbreak for three times now (once last week then yesterday and this morning) and i totally suck. Feels so ashamed and my self-confidence is near low zero. :(

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