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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Flexlite Skate Help

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Does anyone know of anyplace, either near you or online that still have the old flexlite 12 or 10 still in stock? I need a size 7 or 7.5D. I know the new ones are out, bur I want these. Thanks!

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Pardon me, Kovy, while I hi-jack your thread, but any CCM Tack wearers care to comment on the fit ratio between Tacks and Flexlites? I.E., if you were a 9 in a tack, would you fit in a 9 in a Flexlite as well? etc.

Kovy, as for you my friend there was a recent thread around recently where some guy saw them at some at a local store for $90 in a variety of sizes. You might search to see if you can find it, but it was within the last month.....

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