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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wyatt Russell to play hockey at UAH

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My local college hockey team (UAH- Alabama, Huntsville) has signed Wyatt Russell to a hockey scholorship. Who is Wyatt Russell you might ask? He is Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn's kid. They have purchased a condo in Huntsville and plan to attend a lot of Wyatt's games. Some might say whooptie-freakin'-doo but I just thought it was pretty cool.

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LOL!! UAH actually isn't that bad now. The coach of 25 years just retired so we will see how the new guy does.

I watched them take ND to double OT. The UAH goaltender was standing on his head, and you could tell ND decided to take the night off, but there was still a noticable difference between the two teams.

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