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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Phone Trouble

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Ok so today i went to get a new phone as mine broke and was having battery problems and everything went smooth but about an hour later i tried calling a friend and it wouldnt work.. said this number cannot be completed as dialed blah blah blah. so anyways i thought his phone wasnt working but i wanted to make sure mine was fine so i tried calling home and it did the same thing. So when i got home i tried calling my cell and it said that this person is unavailable. By then it was too late to go back to the store as it was closed. I was just wondering if i have to do something like activate the phone as it is kind of out of the way to go to the store if i can fix it here. BTW i am with telus if that helps.

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what did u have to do to it? I have one too, love it..works great..but just in case it decides to do what yours did.

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my buddy like re programed it or something i am not sure he screwed around with it for about 20-30 min and he got it working. i called telus today and asked them about it and they said that they must have just programmed it wrong. nothing to do with the actually phone just the worker who programmed it did it wrong.

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yeah it was probably just some screw upat telus. it happens. my sister had a plan to allow her unlimited texting and when she got her first bill it was over 200 dollars because of all her texts. she phoned and theyfixed the problem. Aside from that i never had a problem with my krzr or telus.

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