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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sande "The Show" OPS

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Our hockey league is sponsored by Sande Hockey this year. The company is supplying us with gloves, pants and sticks. Last night on our first exhibition I got to tryout the stick and it was simply amazing. If anyone has used one of these sticks, how well has it held up? And what are your thoughts about it?

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My league just locked up a deal with them to. Pretty much the same

as yours gloves,sticks,pants..I tried "the show" and My god

why lhs dont carry it is beyond me! its truley an awesome performing

stick. loved it. the end.

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the show has a tactile grip doesn't it? i think i remember they call it sharkskin or something? i was looking into it a while ago on the sande website but i couldn't find it in any stores. i'd like to try one out if anybody finds someplace that carries them. the junior team that plays at my rink is sponsored by them and the proshop there had the heatseeker last season, so maybe "the show" will be in there this season.

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