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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NBH 4500 protection?

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I've always assumed that the lower end helmets are less protective than the high end helmets because well, they cost less. And also I've assumed since they charge more for epp helmets that it must be more protective, but I've read on this site that some believe that's not true. So I was wondering if a helmet such as the 4500 would protect against concussion as well as a helmet like the intake or 5500? thanks in advance.

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With the VN foam you dont have to worry about the padding until its old and crusty. With the EPP foam if you get lit up once and the helmet does its job then you are in trouble because the EPP only takes one big shot.

I got a concusion playing half a season in a 5000, I havnt gotten one in the 10 years or so Ive played in various 4000's. The 4000 is probably one of the most concussion resistant helmets on the market.


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it will all depend on how it fits your head i have a friend who uses the 5000 and has 6 concussions but he wont change. But on the other hand i have a friend who uses the 40000 with 3 concussions so i guess the answer is whichever one fits your hed best and how well you avoid hits a tight cage helps too

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You get nailed hard enough not a helmet out there that will prevent a concussion. I saw the new Cascade helmet on the weekend at at LHS and Cascade have an interesting concept with their cellular lining. Tried on the helmet and it's extremely comfortable. The outside shell though reminds me of a cheap Itech helmet. They need to change the look of the helmet and they'll sell a boat load of these babies.

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