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Ovechkin breaks Malkins agents jaw in nightclub fight

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Washington Capitals star Alexander Ovechkin broke the jaw of Evgeniy Malkin's agent Gennady Ushakov.

Once well-known keeper Gennady Ushakov came out to take part in a pre-season match the other day with his jaw injured.

It has become known that a conflict flared up between Alexander Ovechkin and Gennady Ushakov during a night club party.

Ushakov is said to have insulted Ovechkin which led to a fight in which Malkin's agent had his jaw broken.

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Malkin's agent is probably an idiot Sabres fan who is still convinced Ovechkin is the dirtiest player ever to lace-up and that he should be strung-up by his scrotum after the (not THAT bad) hit on Briere.

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Pavel Lysenkov, a Sovetsky Sport editor, called Alex Ovechkin about an hour ago to find out if the rumor regarding his alleged fight was true. Alex Ovechkin stated that this was not true. Alex added that this was just a rumor. Alex also stated that Ushakov and he have a good relationship.

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Ohhhh, so it's one of those: "i'm gonna punch you in the jaw so i can get the media attention for breaking it, but don't forget, you're my buddy!" things?

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Has the guy with the broken jaw said anything....oh...nevermind.


I'm good for one or two of those a week.

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