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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help! Buying new phone!

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Right so I've decided to get a new phone. I'm gonna keep my contract cos it's a bloody good deal! :D

My old phone was a Nokia N80. I freaking loved it cos of the multimedia (high camera/video recording quality, mp3 player etc etc). Hated most other things such as slow texting and whatnot.

It kinda got ran over by a car... my car....

But that aside, I'm looking to get a new handset.

Now I've got my eye on a Nokia N93. Can't go for N95 cos that is just WAY too expensive!

Am I making the right choice? Bit of a newbie when it comes to phones.

If you can suggest anything with great multimedia, battery life and features at a reasonable price (around £100 (roughly $200)), please let me know!

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I haven't heard anything but good things about the n93 so if that's in your price range I'd say go for it. If you wanted to break the bank, the 95 looks pretty damn cool but I'm sticking to the iPhone.

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