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WWE suspensions

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Pretty much half the WWE was suspended today. Well, half the stars.

Batista, Edge, Masters, John Morrison/Nitro, Randy Orton, King Booker, Charlie Haas, Mr. Kennedy, Chavo Guerrero, Santino Marella, William Regal, and Funaki.

Eddie Guerrero and Benoit were also on the list they found to suspended these wrestlers. They, of course, were unable for suspension.

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Probably agreeing with Congress to suspend all the names that had been receiving stuff from that huge steroids ring that the feds busted.

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Hmmm...funny . Off The Record (TSN) was doing a Best Of, and they were showing wrestlers the other day.

They had Edge on, and asked him about steroids...He said he has done them, but quit years ago, because he didn't like the way they were making him feel/act. I guess he didn't hate it THAT much.

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Well these suspensions are based on records that go back years. Supposedly Edge's suspension dates back to use when he was recovering from his neck surgery.

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it's kinda of a joke. Even though these guys are "professional athletes" it's not like pro wrestling is a REAL sport., it's more part of the entertainment industry (like acting) than anything. Yes, all sports are part of the entertainment industry, but wrestling has a predetermined outcome. I don't ever recall the sports books in Las Vegas putting odds on Hulk Hogan.

If they are suspending these guys because they admitted using steroids or illigal drugs why not suspend actors from working because they have admitted using illegal substances.

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