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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shin guard limitations?!?!?!

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I do this, and I have no limitations...I tried going down a size, and just can't get used to the difference. Just like Tim said.. try it out, and if ya like it, keep it. If it don't work, try another pad, or size till you find what works for you.

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i switched from inside to outside and have really found no limitations i just felt that it was more comfortable. Its all pp btw my latest shin pads i bought i actually bought one size bigger than before just so it would fit better over the tongue

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I used to wear my shins under the tongue and found the 15" shins I was wearing where a bit restrictive. (According to the charts I am supposed to be wearing a 15".)I dropped down to a 14" and it worked perfectly without any loss in protection. I switched back about three years ago and went back up to a 15" when I began wearing the pads over the tongue again. So long as your protected it doesn't matter which way you do it. Experimenting a bit to get the right feel is perfectly reasonable.

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