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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can you heat hockey pants

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Just got back from my LHS. Bought my son a new pair of Mission M-2 pants but the thigh pads are very flat. Can I heat them like the gloves to reshape them??? If so what temp and time do you suggest???

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If you can take the pads out you can probably just heat them the tiniest bit and bend them with your hands so they fit the leg better. I wouldn't heat them too much because then it will make them softer and less protective.

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I wouldn't heat them up at all. A teammate of mine bought those same pants and complained at first about the thigh pads. Eventually when he broke them in they fit just fine. Just break them in the good 'ol fashioned way.

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The ones on my M1s broke in in no time at all, just have him wear them around the house a bit if he needs them to break in more quickly.

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Guest 2048
Just got back from my LHS. Bought my son a new pair of Mission M-2 pants but the thigh pads are very flat. Can I heat them like the gloves to reshape them??? If so what temp and time do you suggest???

Tie a shoelace around the thighs and when you unlace it after a day, it'll be curved (a bit less than when the shoelace was on it of course).

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