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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TSN Broadband

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I've never been able to get TSN's broadband to work, since they switched it over from the old A/V Archive that streamed in Media Player (I think).

I've tried it on 4 different computers (2 different home machines, work and GF's)and the BEST I got was a jittery video (that didn't match the audio) on my GF's machine.

I thought it was my computer (an old P3 550)...but I've got a P4 2.8G now...and it still just sits there like it's loading but never gets anywhere. I've got updated browsers (both Firefox and MSIE) all the right players and flash and it just doesn't work...

It's God damn annoying.

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I am not able to play TSN broadband on my laptop, and it really pisses me off too.

The broadband player will load, but none of the videos will play.

It will show the "now playing" text next to the video on the sidebar and under the video, but the videos just don't load for me. The "now playing" text just keeps moving down the playlist without playing anything.

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I am not able to play TSN broadband on my laptop, and it really pisses me off too.

The broadband player will load, but none of the videos will play.

It will show the "now playing" text next to the video on the sidebar and under the video, but the videos just don't load for me. The "now playing" text just keeps moving down the playlist without playing anything.

Yeah...that's it. I want to watch the feature they've got up now "Religion versus Hockey".

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