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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vector Helmet in NH or Maine

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Wondering if some of the American MSHers can help me out here. I'm from Nova Scotia, and my parents are in North Conway right now for tomorrow's Nascar race. I told them to have a look for me for a CCM vector helmet, since they are $130 here. I thought they'd be able to find one in a lhs for around $80. However they only found one place (play it again sports) and it was $95. Is $95 a good price for this helmet in the States? If not, anyone know of a place that has a good price in either North Conway, or Portland or Bangor Maine?


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Thanks for the info. So I guess $95 isn't bad. It's crazy that if I exchanged my money and bought the helmet for $95 US, it would cost me less than $98 CAD, yet they charge $130 CAD for it here in Canada...

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Is that price with taxes? Your taxes are soooo high. Perhaps complain to your govt. The fees they charge to import are high too. Remember, most hockey equipment is made overseas now, so your gov't may charge more to import, that can raise prices.

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Is that price with taxes? Your taxes are soooo high. Perhaps complain to your govt. The fees they charge to import are high too. Remember, most hockey equipment is made overseas now, so your gov't may charge more to import, that can raise prices.

Nope, that's without taxes. I'd have to add 14% on to that, which brings me to a grand total of $148. Brutal. They have yet to adjust prices to reflect our strong Canadian dollar. They are still pricing things as if our dollar is worth 70 cents US. This is the case for everything, not just hockey gear. If I was to buy a guitar in the US, I'd save A LOT of money. However, paying duties and other fees is a different story...

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