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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HECC sticker

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I have no idea how someone would quantify that given the publicly available information. I believe the Intake had the highest scores from the testing process but I don't believe that directly applies to hockey.

Do you have any links to that info or test results?


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While the CBC article was interesting, it was seven years old. I believe certifications have expirations now, correct?

Actually, there is no expiry date on CSA sticker. Only on HECC ones.

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i think it was a year ago that usa hockey sent out "usa hockey helmet stickers" along with the registration card. wouldnt that suck if some kid put that on his helmet and couldnt play.

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I know this is the Ice Hockey part of the site, but is this in anyway going to come into effect in roller? I'm out of playing ice for a while and now strictly play roller so I was wondering if there were going to be any rules along these lines coming into play for us roller players?

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