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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ever been stuck between curves?

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I have been using a lindstrom curve for about 3 years now. I switched about 6 months ago to a p106 because it was the closest that I could find in a bauer compared to my old lindstrom curve. I love the p106 because my passes are dead on and I really enjoy bauer blades vs zcarbons. My wrist shot floats nicely over leg pads when I want it to but is still strait enough where I still have control over my backhand. Only problem is that my slapshot doesn't get up there like it did on the lindstrom. I gave the lindstrom a shot again last drop in and could hardly hit the net. During warmups I cleared the crossbar twice on my slapshot and my wristshot went about 2 feet higher than where my wrists told it to go on every shot.

Any suggestions? Is there a different Nikebauer pattern that you would recommend?

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Off their stock retails, only other heel would be a P91 or P91a. Or you may be able to find the old P02 which is essentially a Lidstrom clone.

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