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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Apple Student Discount

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So I want to buy a Mac but I don't need one at this very moment and I thought about maybe waiting for January for when the new Office 2008 comes and and the Macbook Pro's go to Intel Penryn processors. Major Leopard glitches will probably be gone by then also. But right now even though I am doing my internship I am a full time student and after that (From Sept to Dec). After that from January to April I will be a part time student. Question is will I be able to buy my Mac laptop in 2008 at the student discount price even if I'm a part time student in January??

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I don't believe they discriminated between full time, part time, etc. I think only thing that matters is that your a part of a higher learning institution in some capacity.

Personally, I say buy it now and take the discount as well as the free iPod Nano, heheh.

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My buddy got his and two weeks later they switched to the Nano Video and he got pissed.

But no, they shouldn't care about status. Last I checked their method of finding out if you're a student was for you to select your school and that's it.

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