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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Finish the Fight

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Overall, though, I enjoyed Halo 1's single player more than either of its sequels, so I agree with you there.

yeah i have to agree with you there. Halo 1 had just about everything right, minus no Live capability, but that could be resolved by using XBC or Gamespy.

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Just bought it, haven't played online yet.

JR, What's your Gamertag?

I'm on my 5th 360. I thank my lucky stars for warranty :D . It's in a ventilated area, the whole shabang, but they continue to die on me. I don't have to send my 360 back to Microsoft though, I just walk in to our local Gamestop and pull out my reciept and they give me a new one.

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Overall, though, I enjoyed Halo 1's single player more than either of its sequels, so I agree with you there.

yeah i have to agree with you there. Halo 1 had just about everything right, minus no Live capability, but that could be resolved by using XBC or Gamespy.

The only thing that bothered me in Halo 1 multiplayer was that the pistol was overpowered, and melees weren't powerful enough, so you'd have them beating assault rifles or plasma rifles at close range.

IMO, the only complaint I have about the balancing in H3 is that melees are slightly too powerful. Online, I end getting a lot (too many) kills with the melee. Otherwise, the weapons are balanced perfectly. Thank god the rocket launcher doesn't have lock-on anymore...

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I'll add you tomorrow, mines Kimacovich if anybody wants to get some team slayer going or something

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