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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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V120 Blade vs. V110 Blade

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Is the only difference between these two blades that the v120 has the weaving and the v110 dosen't? It has to be something else because the v120 feels much less balanced.


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I decided to go and finally get a CCM Vector blade and I went to my LHS and took both the 110 and 120 blades and compared. Basically the only difference that I could find was that hosel was thinner in 110. Though the weight seemed to be exactly the same.

I'll try that V120 blade tomorrow and see how it performs with UL shaft. I've been practising with a bunch of guys that are professionals who so far haven't got a deal with any team yet. It's a good benchmark to test equipment among those guys.

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well my friend just reasontly broke his vector 120 and on the inside of the blade there was these cirular things i can't really explain it its really weird, and the 110 is just layered of fiberglass i think

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i cracked the blade on the 110 and underneath there is lots of small square holes all over the blade.i wouldnt know if the 120 blade has them.it does seem to be layred with fibreglass alright but i couldnt be certain if it is fibregalss.

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After an hour of playing my experiences about V120 blade are only positive. The curve is 31 (probably the lecavalier in the NA), so it's heel enough for me. It's not as light as competitors' blades are, but Ultra Lite isn't the lightest stick out there so balance between shaft and blade was quite good. Blade is very stiff and time will tell how long it lasts.

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In my experience with the V120 OPS, I found the blade to be very durable against skatemarks and such, but I didnt like the relative lack of stiffness compared to graphite blades. Anything i can bend with my hands, I tend to stay away especially considering the pricetag. Then again, Inno and Easton blades are the only ones I can't really flex.

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