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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXV: Size changing due to heat molding

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I am about to purchase my 15 year-old son a pair of Vapor XXV. I know that heat molding can can the size of boots up to a half size, so I wanted to check to see if this is the case with the new line of Vapors. I'm guessing it is, but I want to take this into account while he's getting sized.


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i dont know the exact changes from line to line, but with baking every "traditional" boot will stretch and loosen up a decent amount. if it is all the way up to a half size i couldnt 100% be sure.

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I didn't find any difference in size after baking mine. When you put them on right out of the over they feel looser, but then once you tighten them up and let them cool they feel tighter and more snug than before.

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