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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Saw a synergy skate/demo display tonight

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Whoa, hold on a sec. You guys are making some incorrect assumptions. You are assuming that all we did is save weight and that is what we are banking on as the main feature of the skate. That isn't the case at all. This skate itself is a new piece of technology.

Using clap skates as an analogy is not misguided whatsoever. The clap was a new mechanism, the synergy skate is a new mechanism.

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I may only have a 2.0 average in university, but how can the Synergy have a mecanism?!? Looks like a normal booth to me, of course the material aren't the same but I don't think there is something revolutionary on it.

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Attach a clasp blade to any other speed skate and you will improve your speed, once you are accustomed to it. It's universal. I'm sure that a lot of research and development went into making the skate ligher and with different materials, that is evolution. There is no readily apparent leap in terms of the overall nature of a hockey skate as there is with a clasp. I'm sure it's a great skate and has all kinds of patents associated with it, but it isn't something that fundamentally changes skating in the same manner as the clasp.

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Companies like Bont have been making full composite speed skates for years...however in speed skating you're going in a straight line for the most part, whereas in hockey, there are stops, starts, and sharp turns. You need the boot to flex to do that. That was my main concern when I heard about the skate. By implementing flex zones in the skate, it just might work...

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I'm sorry Chadd, I'm afraid you'd be incorrect.

I assume you're referring to the not revolutionary part. Most of the discussion of the skate has been weight, once I have other information I can use to base my opinion, I will do so.

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That's coo, but I honestly think you'd be missing out.  We feel that these skates will revolutionize the skate industry the way the SyNergy stick did for sticks 5 years ago.

Missing out? If I buy these skates ill be missing out on food for a couple months. Im sorry but thats just to much for a pair of skates.

I agree. That price is disgusting. In Canadian funds it would be about 800, right? I could buy a pool for that price. :blink: A new pool or some super-de-duper light skates? You decide.

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pools are usable in cananada? :lol:

both weeks of summer. I'm still cold from the expo.

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The sun does come out in the winter some times :blink: . But we could just freeze it over and have a personal outdoor rink form october to april.

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