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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Bauer 9500

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I currently use the 3500 and this is a pretty slim helmet, not bulky at all. How would the 9500 compare to the 3500 in terms of bulk size when on? I know the helmet is not long released but if anyone has went from the 4500/3500 to the 9500, any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Went to my LHS and they had a black M on display and it fit PERFECT... im still deciding on helments tho.. either the 8K in Red with Red inserts like Datsyuk or the red on red tried both on dont know which one i like more tho =[

are those not the same? Red on red, and a red helmet with red inserts? Or do you mean red with silver?

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Went to my LHS and they had a black M on display and it fit PERFECT... im still deciding on helments tho.. either the 8K in Red with Red inserts like Datsyuk or the red on red tried both on dont know which one i like more tho =[

are those not the same? Red on red, and a red helmet with red inserts? Or do you mean red with silver?

Red on red 9500 instead of the black strips going through it or the 8K red with red inserts like Datsyuk's coloring

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Went to my LHS and they had a black M on display and it fit PERFECT... im still deciding on helments tho.. either the 8K in Red with Red inserts like Datsyuk or the red on red tried both on dont know which one i like more tho =[

are those not the same? Red on red, and a red helmet with red inserts? Or do you mean red with silver?

Red on red 9500 instead of the black strips going through it or the 8K red with red inserts like Datsyuk's coloring

ahh Ic, ic. Ive only worn a Bauer 5000 so I cant help. BUT, it doesnt seem like the praise for the 8K on here is astronomical.

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We finally got ours in today. 14 helmets in total, a mix of medium and large, black and white. Comfortable helmet, but in my situation, it feels tight higher up on my head. Love the look of the helmet, but it does seem to be taller than the 4500 by about 2 inches

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Anyone have a 9500 set up with a jofa 480 yet?

Cavs, I just picked up the 9500 in white and will post pictures of it with the chrome 480 later tonight when I get my camera.







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