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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate fit question

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Just got a new pair of One90s. There are no local shops in my area (closest one is about 4-5 hours away), so I had to order them. I tried on a friends pair (8.5 D)for reference and decided to go with a 9EE. In the 8.5s, my toes were crammed into the end, not sure if this was purely a length issue or if the narrower width was in play. The 9EEs feel great, but I feel as if there is a little extra room in the toe. How much extra room is acceptable? How do I tell how much extra room is in the toe? When I unlace the skates and push my foot all the way forward to the toe, there is about a 1/2 inch of space in the heel. What effect will baking the skates have?

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You have to be careful when moving to an EE width as the heel is also typically wider so your foot sits further back in the boot. If you were too crammed in an 8.5D you should have tried an 8.5EE first.

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Pull out the foot bed, stand on it with your heel lined up to the back of it. Now you know how much room you have up front by seeing the distance from your toes to the end of the foot bed.

I have never been a believer in the "push your foot forward and stick your finger in the back heel theory." Everyone's finger is different so how accurate is that theory in measuring? Just my two cents on that urban legend.

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