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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stastny's Stick

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Looks banana-y


Anyone else have a pic of Stastny's (current) blade? There are some RM19's available which SWD made to his specs for a LHS. But I've never seen his pattern first-hand or otherwise except in distant photos.

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If it's your LHS what's keeping you from going there and checking them out?

Unfortunately, it's not my LHS. It's a LHS in Minnesota, and I'm many, many states from there.

That's why I am asking....here, about the stick.....there.

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If it's your LHS what's keeping you from going there and checking them out?

Unfortunately, it's not my LHS. It's a LHS in Minnesota, and I'm many, many states from there.

That's why I am asking....here, about the stick.....there.

Those are Coffeys, not Stastny pros. Somebody already went through this after I spotted them as possible replacements for the Coffey curve.

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If it's your LHS what's keeping you from going there and checking them out?

Unfortunately, it's not my LHS. It's a LHS in Minnesota, and I'm many, many states from there.

That's why I am asking....here, about the stick.....there.

Those are Coffeys, not Stastny pros. Somebody already went through this after I spotted them as possible replacements for the Coffey curve.

OMFG I'm losing it. That's right Jarick -- that was me, dude.

Now I remember that the "Stastnys" they sold were actually pro (not retail stock) Coffeys, not Stastny's actual pro pattern.

I need to get some sleep and stop thinking about buying a new stick for a while......

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