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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sir Douglas 22

black eye ha

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So, I figured a hockey forum is as good as any to ask about black eye advice. I did a search on this but it didnt really come up with too much so here it goes. Last night I got pretty much the two cheapest shots I've ever seen and my left eye is pretty ridiculous. I've had one or two black eyes before but never even close to this bad so I never really bothered to look into things some people do/use to try to help them out.

Beside time and ice do you guys have any methods you've used to help bad black eyes before?


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Shit I always tried to show mine off. I even went to the DMV to try to get my license picture changed when I had one.

:lol: Now that was a funny answer,thanks for the laugh 'Kosydar'.Not really much else I've found other than initially icing it and letting it take its own course.Unless its REALLY bad then you need to get yourself to a doctor to check for fractures and such like.

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ya...its pretty ugly as far as black eyes go but luckily i'm pretty positive there are no fractures or anything.

i never used anything but ice and such either, everything else ive heard just seems gimmicky to me.

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I don't know if the steak thing really does anything, but that's what pops used to do when I got into fist fights.

I also agree with showing it off.

Say your girl got angry at you. ;)

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haha yah its gonna have to be shown off sooner than later cuz i have alot of plans this week, luckily even tho my eye seemed pretty much swollen shut it seems to be going down much quicker than i expected

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I had one once from a puck to the face - entire eye was swollen shut for a couple days, cracked orbital bone. The only thing you can really do is ice it. Remember its ugly, but its still bad ass.

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