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Home phone calls to cell phone?

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I remember reading I think in this forum years ago of a way that you could get home phone calls transferred to a cell phone. Is it possible? Thanks.

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Your phone company can have calls forwarded to another number. I used to have them forwarded to my cell phone, but I can't remember if it's immediate or after a certain number of rings.

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Thanks, but I'm looking for a more immediate solution. Is there no way I could set my home phone up to transfer the call?

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I almost don't see why people use landlines anymore...? All the calls to my home phone are garbage. Anyone worth while knows to call my cell...

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More than likely because they don't want some stuff going over the air? I myself don't worry about that but with the times I've been tangled up with other people's convos I can see their fears.

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No, just in case someone calls while I'm out I want to be able to get it on my cell. The only reason I asked was because I remember reading about something like this on here before.

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  troy said:

Thanks, but I'm looking for a more immediate solution. Is there no way I could set my home phone up to transfer the call?

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You may have the ability to do that already with your landline. Call the phone company and ask them. You may have to pay extra for that service. With Vonage it takes a couple mouse clicks.

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