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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bigger skates

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I played roller hockey and just got into ice after about 2 seasons of roller.

I bought some ice skates, which were 3 sizes smaller than my blades.

The reason I bought the rollerblades so big at the time was because I needed wide fit. I can actually stick my finger between the back of the blade and my heel.

My question is will performance be affected that much once I start roller again?

Or should I get new rollerblades?


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Get new rollerblades.

Fit is the most important factor when deciding on a skate and it appears you don't have the correct sizing on your rollerblades. Incorrect fitting will lead to poor technique and unwanted pain.

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agreed. there should be no reason to buy a longer boot if you need it wide. that's they roller/ice skates come in E or EE sizes. if you need an extra wide boot maybe look into a E or EE CCM, since they're pretty wide fitting in the 1st place.

i have a wide foot and take a D in CCM, EE in Bauer or a EE in Mission.

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But the thing is I'm completely used to it and feel no pain whatsoever.

As for as improper technique goes I have no idea.

Just wondering if I would skate "better" with proper fitting skates.

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Just wondering if I would skate "better" with proper fitting skates.

if anything having a skate that fits properly will help you skate better since there's less chance of foot slippage and your heel will stay in the heel lock. that will make the skate perform more like it's part of your body, which is the goal (no pun intended) in the 1st place.

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But the thing is I'm completely used to it and feel no pain whatsoever.

As for as improper technique goes I have no idea.

Just wondering if I would skate "better" with proper fitting skates.

Yes. Correctly fitted inline skates will also last you longer.

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Skates that are too big will increase boot slop, extra room inside the skate resulting from incorrect fit. It will decrease power transfer, cause blisters and eventually increase the breakdown of the product. It could also cause injury depending on how big you go. These are the reasons we always suggest correctly fitting your gear before you buy, even if you have had the same skate from the same manufacturer year after year.

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