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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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advantages/disadvantages to shaft blade combo

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possibly looking to upgrade from a woodie to composite and am wondering what the argument is for a OPS or a shaft/blade combo.

I understand he abilility to switch blades for different curve etc...

I am not opposed to my woodie. It just seems the overwhealming majority of sticks in my LHS are composite.

I will begin playing over 40 mens beginner league in December and am a total novice, so bear that in mind.

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I'm a big fan of tapered shaft/blade combos. You get all of the benefits of an OPS with the versatility and economy of two piece.

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normally I use a Sherwood 5030 wood stick but my backup is a shaft with a wood blade. I preffer the feel of the wood. If you are just beginning, using a two piece stick gives you an opportunity to try out different curves and lie until you find one you like.

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You break a blade, you can replace it. You could do the same with an OPS, but it's a bit more work. Plus you can try out different blades until you find one you like. And you get a quality shaft, you'll just replace the blade at $40-50+ or so per blade, as opposed to $100+ for an OPS. I am a combo man.

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In some ways I'd recommend continuing with a wooden stick just to help hone your skills, then I'd step up to a composite or something alot lighter. Help strenghten your shot and with stick handling.

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The only cons to having a shaft blade combo is that some shaft/blade combos are unbalanced. However it's not bad to the point where it'll hinder your game.

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I'm a big fan of tapered shaft/blade combos. You get all of the benefits of an OPS with the versatility and economy of two piece.

Most of the time (dolomite for example), if you buy the shaft and blade and put them together you have the one piece. In some other sticks this is the case as well. To build on what Chadd said, why buy a one piece that you might not be able to pull the blade on due to the epoxy, when you can buy it in two pieces? You get the same performance, and more for your money. Its just a no brainer to me. (Exceptions go to the OPS that do not have a tapered counter part).


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