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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor xxx (30) skates

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Hey all!

How can I get a pair of vapor 30's?, they seem to have been pulled from the market by NBH since the vapor 40's came out? Is ebay my only option?

If I can't find a decent pair of 30's. I would like to know how does the general public get a custom fitting from NBH and how much would it cost extra? Anyone have it done, what is the process like (mold feet?)? Maybe someone can guide me too a thread on the subject, I did not find it yet.

Thanks guys!

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Hey all!

How can I get a pair of vapor 30's?, they seem to have been pulled from the market by NBH since the vapor 40's came out? Is ebay my only option?

If I can't find a decent pair of 30's. I would like to know how does the general public get a custom fitting from NBH and how much would it cost extra? Anyone have it done, what is the process like (mold feet?)? Maybe someone can guide me too a thread on the subject, I did not find it yet.

Thanks guys!

Call your LHS to inquire about custom fittings/sizes...although I would suspect you can no longer go that route with the XXX's.

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