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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Selling Rules & Disclaimer

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1. Prices must be posted on all items. You can always come down in price and should tell people if you're willing to do so. Please list the currency of the price (US or CDN $).

2. You should sell to the first person who meets your asking price, this isn't an auction.

3. Be as descriptive as possible. Giving sizes, shooting side, model numbers, etc will cut down on the number of questions asked.

4. If you are linking to an eBay auction of yours, please note that in the topic description.

5. If an item is sold please show the selling price (if different from your asking price), this will help others know what people are willing to spend on an item.

6. If an item is sold, contact a mod to have the topic locked. Every mod can do it.

7. If an item is sold, please leave the description in place.

8. This selling forum is for personal hockey gear only, not for commercial purposes.

9. If you are not interested in purchasing an item, don't post in a topic. If you feel there is a problem with a sale, alert one of the administrators.

10. Please wait at least 72 hours before bumping a topic,

11. If you are selling multiple items at one time, please list them all in one listing. If you have additional items to sell at a later date, please make a new topic for those items.

12. As with other portions of the website, linking to other forums is not acceptable. Sites like Imageshack and Photobucket host photos for free, are fast and easy to use.

13. Trades are not advised, due to the lack of protections via escrow services like paypal.

14. If using paypal, do not require payment as a "gift". If the extra 3% is that important, raise your asking price. "Gift" payments do not have the same buyer protections and we strongly advise not paying via that method, if requested to do so.

Rules may be revised at any time.

The Gear Exchange section is listed as a courtesy only. MSH is not involved in the contract between buyer and seller. MSH does not accept any responsibility for product defects, fraud, identity theft etc. by members. It is suggested that you use an escrow service or a service like PayPal so that you have options in the event of a problem in your dealings with other members. All transactions are at your own risk.

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As of today the Selling Rules are amended as follows:

Sellers (or buyers) who receive significant negative feedback will be assigned to the newly created "Members (Bad Seller)" user group. This group is excluded from viewing and/or using the MSH marketplace.

Although MSH does not get involved in the trading itself, we felt that it has become necessary to protect future buyers.

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